Browser Compatibility Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter noone
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I very often use class files that I call from the code behind. I very often
return web controls from these classes with a configuration something like:

Class Code behind

Dim mything as new myclass


End class

Class Myclass

Function stuff() as placeholder

Dim p as new placeholder

Dim pnl as new panel

'Fill panel with stuff


return p

end function

end class

I really do not have a need to build custom controls that need to have
properties exposed in the designer, so I do it this way. What I am wondering
what are the potential downsides to doing it this way? Are there unusual
browser compatibility issues that I might have, by that I mean if a control
for example is inserted into the page using myclass, is it going to be
handled the same as a control dropped into the designer as far as browser
issues are concerned? Is there something else I should be doing besides
simply sending a control back to the (code behind of the) page for

Thanks for reading and thank you very much for your thoughts on this.

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noone said:

I very often use class files that I call from the code behind. I very often
return web controls from these classes with a configuration something like:

This should work the same way as from the designer...