browser closes automatically



For the past week, I have been having trouble with Internet Explorer. I have version 6 SP2. I'll be surfing and then the browser will freeze and then close automatically. Even if I have several open, they will all close. I have all of the critical updates already downloaded, that doesn't seem to help. I'm also running XP.
Could some one let me know if they know why this is happening. It didn't happen before a week ago.
I also find that after I use Adobe Acrobat, IE freezes and closes. But it also does it without me using Adobe Reader.
What are the steps I can take to fix this? Is there a way to repair Internet Explorer?

H Leboeuf

Some issues here.

Other things to check for.

Internet Explorer Quits When You Visit a Web Page That Uses an XSL Transform
and Property

Java issue?

Tools/internet options/advanced/Microsoft VM
....only tick the JIT compiler box and leave the Java boxes un checked

IE 6.

Try this: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing
Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions

If this clears your problem then find out who the culprit is with these

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

p.s Reset the 3rd party browser setting.


Val said:
For the past week, I have been having trouble with Internet Explorer. I
have version 6 SP2. I'll be surfing and then the browser will freeze and
then close automatically. Even if I have several open, they will all close.
I have all of the critical updates already downloaded, that doesn't seem to
help. I'm also running XP.
Could some one let me know if they know why this is happening. It didn't happen before a week ago.
I also find that after I use Adobe Acrobat, IE freezes and closes. But it
also does it without me using Adobe Reader.
What are the steps I can take to fix this? Is there a way to repair
Internet Explorer?

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