browser blocked

  • Thread starter Thread starter Diane
  • Start date Start date


HELP!!!! I am not computer savvy, however, I managed to
find this site. I have a trojan virus that prohibits me
from accessing my email, msn and yahoo browser. My home
page has been blocked.

Can someone help? I cannot even send a message to
MicroSoft to obtain a fix. I have the Beta program.
You did an excellent job finding this group, and perhaps we can help you
here, but I'd suggest another route:

If you are in the United States or Canada, call 1-866-pcsafety

This is a free support line from Microsoft for issues of virus removal or
security patch problems. They should be able to help you directly, one on
one--with this problem.

If you are elsewhere in the world, call your local Microsoft office, or a
number for paid support for your area, but ask for the free help for virus
or security patch issues. The same free help is available, but the phone
call may not be toll-free.
Hi Diane ,That sounds Nasty !

Its probably About:Blank (CWS Homepage) ,go with bills
advise and see if they can help you,

Failing that try downloading these two removers I would
say Hijack This but its really for advanced users so i
dont want to add to your problems but these removers may
help and are easy to use.

Save this to notepad if needed because you will not be
able to use the net when you reboot into safe mode (open
notepad-if your unsure goto start then run and type
Notepad,then left click and highlight all this reply and
then right click and choose copy,then goto to the notepad
you opened and right click inside that area and press
paste) Then just press the X to close notepad and it will
ask you if you want to save it,choose yes and save it
where you want.Change the .txt name to anything you want
then press save.You can then open it from the location
you saved it to and read it when you are in safe mode.

About Buster 5 (Thanks to Marcin)

Download to desktop

Make sure this program is run in safe mode.(update before
going into safe mode)

1) Unzip all files to a folder.
2) Start AboutBuster 5.0 and press Update to make sure
you have the latest reference file version
3) Hit BEGIN REMOVAL. Allow the program to run.
4) AboutBuster will finish and open a new page. Follow
the instructions for protection on that page.
5) Shut down AboutBuster. A log should have been created.

CWShredder (no need to update this just install and run
in safe mode)

After using the above removers in safe mode:

Resetting your homepage

1) Open Internet Explorer.
2) Go into the tools tab and press INTERNET OPTIONS.
3) Goto the 'Programs Tab' and press 'Reset Web Settings'
4) Go back to the 'General' Tab & In the text box on the
Home page frame type in your preferred address and hit
apply at the very bottom.

I may be wrong on this but ive seen this cause the
problems you describe if its this its not easy to remove
so hopefully the above removers will work for you,you can
tell if it is this as the log that about buster creates
will show you if any files have been deleted.

Its really important you reboot into safe mode before
running the removers,I know its a pain but it is
required.To get into safe mode download the removers and
update aboutbuster then reboot and keep tapping F8 untill
you see the option page then choose safe mode from the
list .

Run About Buster,Then CWShredder also use MS Antispy in
safe mode.Reset your homepage as described above,If the
removers delete any files then run them both twice to
make sure its clear the second time.

Reboot back to normal mode and see how things look if its
not CWS and Bill's Advise doesnt clear it please write
back and we can try other fixes.

Regards Andy