yazee said:
My laptop fell down and landed my printer..now the screen is all
scratched and I cannot see anything on the screen .....
how can I transfer the data to a another laptop or to another desktop?
please help
thank you so much
1) To transfer data from the computer as it currently exists:
a) It must be bootable. If parts of the laptop other than
the screen are damaged, that might not work.
b) You would need a VGA connector on the laptop, to connect
an external monitor. And the computer would need to
automatically switch to that monitor.
If the above conditions cannot be met:
2) Remove the battery, disassemble the disk drive bay and
remove the hard drive. Purchase an external enclosure with
USB cable. Install the drive in the external enclosure.
Here is an example of an external enclosure. There are many
different models like this one:
Note that the USB cable has two connectors on one end, and
one connector on the other end. The end with the two connectors,
plugs into two USB sockets on the laptop. One of the USB
connectors is using its data signals, while the other connector
is only present so that more +5V power can be drawn. By using
two connectors, the hard drive can draw up to 1 amp of current.
The 1 amp of current is needed to spin up the platter inside
the disk, to the proper speed, after which the power drops to
one half or less of the spinup value.
The end of the USB cable with one connector on the end, plugs
to the hard drive enclosure.
Inside the enclosure, should be an adapter board with a 2xN
connector. That should plug to the 2.5" disk drive from your
laptop. The power for the drive is included in the 2xN connector,
and there is no power cable like on a desktop disk drive.
This is an example of a product manual for a 2.5" disk drive.
You can see a picture of the connector on the drive, on
PDF page 28. There is a nice color picture of the back of
a laptop drive in the second link.
When the new laptop arrives, take the cable (with nothing connected)
and plug the two USB connectors to the laptop. Then, plug the
single connector end to the hard drive. Windows should recognize the
drive, using the built-in USB mass storage driver in WinXP.