I just purchased a MSI K7N2 Delta Athlon XP Motherboard combo off of craigslist. This motherboard was in perfect condition by the looks of it, all the caps look good, no dust, was in the static bag and in the original box, The seller told me he wasnt sure if it was good or not because he aquired it in a lot purchase, but he thought it was good. I plugged in a known good power supply, And good memory, and then tried starting it with my screwdriver. I couldnt get the board to do anything to let me know whats going on. The fan wouldnt spin, no beeps, no sound from parts moving whatsoever. I then changed the cpu with a known good cpu and fan and still cant get it to show me any signs of health, This puzzles me because the board looks like its in perfect shape. I also tried changing the battery. I just want to make sure im not leaving anything out.
Luckily the guy lives in my same apartments and has 2 other motherboard combos he can trade me if this one is infact dead. He has:
Imperial_GV P4 motherboard, 1.8ghz Intel processor, and 128 MB DDR266 RAM. ( He can vouch for the cpu, is good)
Compaq Evo Motherboard, 2.6 ghz Intel processor, cpu fan, and 128 MB DDR266 RAM
Only prob is im an AMD Man myself.
Thanks for your help...
Luckily the guy lives in my same apartments and has 2 other motherboard combos he can trade me if this one is infact dead. He has:
Imperial_GV P4 motherboard, 1.8ghz Intel processor, and 128 MB DDR266 RAM. ( He can vouch for the cpu, is good)
Compaq Evo Motherboard, 2.6 ghz Intel processor, cpu fan, and 128 MB DDR266 RAM
Only prob is im an AMD Man myself.
Thanks for your help...