Please see the info below which I was discussing with another guy with this
problem - it does not solve it for me but it may help.
Damon - thanks for contacting me re our mutual problem. Like you I have
spent many hours and still have not fixed the problem and I was wondering
whether a repair install would fix it. Because there is now so much stuff
that I cannot install, I have decided to rebuild XP from the ground up (well
actually from an image file I took after all my drivers were originally
installed). However, your information tends to confirm what I had concluded
that the problem is possibly not with the installer but with the user
profiles ( or DCOM permissions), although I cannot prove this apart from one
which I will tell you about. I will list the things I have attempted:
1) Tried all the solutions listed in MS Knowledge base articles 315346 and
315353 including reinstalling the windows installer software.
2) Tried the solutions listed on PowerQuest web site for error 1607
3) Tried the solutions listed on Corel knowledge base web site for error
4) Tried the solutions listed on InstallShield Consumer Central web site for
error 1607 Document ID Q108340, Q107070 plus DCOM issue Q108324 and
None of the above worked.
5) Tried running the install process from the default XP admin account - no
6) Tried running the install process from a new admin account - no good.
7) Tried running the install process from a new limited user account - no
good because it said you need admin permissions
8) This is the strange one: Tried (7) above but locating the setup.exe for
the application being installed in Windows Explorer, right clicking and
selecting 'run as' and assigning my own admin account. Well it ran through
the complete install process with some warning messages that I simply
clicked OK and the app was installed BUT not under its correct name. After
rebooting the comp was soooo slow each key stroke would be about 5 mins to
respond so I rolled back to an earlier checkpoint but of couse I then had to
uninstall the app. I guess it did not register itself correctly so I would
suggest you do not try this, but I think it shows that it is NOT an
installer problem! and the fact that a repair install did not fix the
problem reinforces this because this type of install preserves all the user
settings etc.
Conclusion: admitted defeat and will start again because I also have
problems with Automatic update and some Soundblaster Live applets also I
have a lot of newer vesions of big programto install.
Hope the above helps and does not depress you too much.
Best of luck
Rod Farmer