Yesterday I bought a web cam from VEO and when I installed it it broke IE - literally. My dialup works, but I cannot get anything to actually communicate with the Net. I did a restore and it restored perfectly. But - dummy me - I tried to install it again, thinking it was a fluke, now I cannot restore my computer from WinXP and I cannot connect.
The company (VEO) has been virtually useless. I think they may be right about one thing, and it's likely involved with the Automatic Private IP Addressing issues in Win XP and it's made some automatic changes that I cannot fix. I've played around in the registry, run Norton Disck DR., but because it's an automatic setting, everything thinks it's running fine. Got any suggestions?
The company (VEO) has been virtually useless. I think they may be right about one thing, and it's likely involved with the Automatic Private IP Addressing issues in Win XP and it's made some automatic changes that I cannot fix. I've played around in the registry, run Norton Disck DR., but because it's an automatic setting, everything thinks it's running fine. Got any suggestions?