Broken Computer

Feb 28, 2010
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So i am fixing my friend's computer. He hasnt used it in 3 years and its been sitting in his mothers garage. so when i got it the whole thing was completely filthy! so i cleaned the entire inside, removed all of the dust and what not. Then when i went to turn the computer on i got the beeps. and the front of the computer had a 1 on it. so i looked it up and it said that the memory was not being read. so i tried cleaning the ram and it still beeped. it also said to press f12 on load up. but the other problem is the monitor wont turn on. so i cant see what im doing... so i would like some help please... or should i just tell him his computer is F****ed?
Double posting

You posted the same message in two different sections, we do not allow that.

I will leave this intact and someone can help you out.
Welcome to the forums bunnyfang. :)

How did you clean the computer exactly? RAM is a sensitive component and cleaning that could cause damage depending on how it was done.

Also, you say the screen said that you should press F12 - but also that the monitor is not working?

It sounds like you have several problems there.