Broadcasting Pre-Recorded Presentations

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I'm trying to enable a Power Point presentation.
I've created a shared folder on the network and copied
the pre-recorded Power Point presentation there. I've
sent an invitation with the URL and when I try to start
the show, I get a message stating; "Power Point can not
connect to Windows media encoder.". Can anybody help me
with this problem?

I'm just trying to place a pre-recorded presentation on a
network where others can only view and not make changes
to the pp presentation!

Thanks for any help!

From memory, the media encoder is for an audience of over 10, when you
actually first broadcast it. maybe try setting up to be recorded for an
audience of less than ten, then let people view it?

I've been testing it in PowerPoint 2003 and it is terrible, IMHO. Maybe look
at Microsoft Producer.



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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