Broadcast PPT Presentation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wigster
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I am going to be giving a PPT presentation and *one* of the participants
won't be able to be there.

I would like him to be able to log into a website/my machine and see the
slide that I am currently on. No need for any fancy collaborative features
or voice: that will be handled over a phone line.

Is there a free/cheap solution for this? I'm in academia, so setting up a
website won't be particularly hard. But I can't afford to pay a lot for
something like this.

I would like the solution not to inferfere with the presentation I am
giving to the audience present physically.


how about convert the presentation to flash, and then publish the flash
to a website that accept free flash submission. ask the participant to
visit the site and watch.
if your are interested, please visit:
for more detail.
hope this helps.
I am going to be giving a PPT presentation and *one* of the participants
won't be able to be there.

I would like him to be able to log into a website/my machine and see the
slide that I am currently on. No need for any fancy collaborative features
or voice: that will be handled over a phone line.

Is there a free/cheap solution for this? I'm in academia, so setting up a
website won't be particularly hard. But I can't afford to pay a lot for
something like this.

I would like the solution not to inferfere with the presentation I am
giving to the audience present physically.

Have a look at Microsoft Live Meeting. This is made for webcasts like yours.
The program is free and easily installed on your computer, but you have to
pay for the service. You can get a 14-day-trial and there are service
providers who work on a per-minute basis.

You'll first see a frame with meeting information around your presentation,
but you can switch to full-screen and it looks like the original PowerPoint.
But because the program converts your presentation into it's own format and
broadcasts via internet, you can't use every animation, especially the fast
moving ones have problems.

Best regards,
Hello Wigster

I guess what you want is a "distance" presenation as far as I can

I just know about a solution that may meet your requirements.

Have you ever heard something called distance learning and training ?
The affordable solution is to use PowerPoint and other PowerPoint-based
training tools.
Since you are in academia and chances are that you have acess to the
PowerPoint program.
So I would like to talk how it works.

1. you can create the basic presentation content with PowerPoint
PowerPoint is a good presentation tool but to use the powerpoint
content for distance present due to the fact that powerpioint is not
web friendly. So you should convert it to an other format, flash is a
good choice.

2.use PowerPoint-based training tools for distance presentation

Such kind of tools can turn a powerpoint file suitable for distance
Usually, these tools turn powerpoint to flash content and embed the
flash file in a theme-based player template.You can customize the
tempate to meet your exact presentation requirement , for example
adding author info. logo, picture, notes, narrations, notes and also
button and label customization. With this player, viwer can
stop/replay/skip/ the learning content.

These also offers content management and learing progress management.
For leaning progress management, it is conducted with a quiz. And you
can collect viewer's viewing progress.
You can also use some stimulation tools to add activities to the
presentation to enhanced learning.

I may list some related tools here for you to refer to, and you can
find more with a google search

PPT2Flash Professional - Turn PowerPoint presentation to
LMS(SCORM/AICC) content for learning and training

QuizCreator - Create Interactive Quizzes to enhance learing and track
learing progress

Rapid E-learning Suite - Convert PowerPoint to E-learning Courseware
for LMS and create interactive quizzes to enhance learning

3. Manage System
You can have a look at Moodle. This is a Open Source Management System.
Its functions like a website, local or web
Why dont you save the powerpoint as a website, and have the person call in
to hear you. Cheap and effective, just make sure you are saying everytime
your changing slides so the person on the phone can keep up.
