Broadband speed problem (repost after zero answers)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave Neve
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Dave Neve


I have a problem with my first ever Broadband connection.

I have a 1024k (128Ko/s max in theory) connection but two mire tests
indicate debits of 8.9 and
6.3 Ko/s

I have already tried surfing without my Kerio Firewall and Norton Anti Virus
but it makes no difference.(Windows Firewall is disactivated )

Also , I've tried typing in an address in both Kerio and Internet Explorer
as 'trusted' and visiting that site when both programs are running but the
result is the same.

Today, I phoned my ISP and he told me to go into MSConfig and untick all my
background programs.

He tested my line which seems ok and then I did the above mentioned Mire

He said that I must have a computer hardware problem but I don't buy it cos

1 I can download emails and attachements faster than ever.

2 I can download programs much faster than before.(I use Stardownloader)

3 The computer is working as normal otherwise

4 I have 384 of RAM memory

The problem only seems occur when I surf on the NET and want to download
pages and as I use IE6 and have to start somewhere........

Any ideas please?


IE6, XP Pro, Kerio Firewall + Norton Anti Virus, 384 RAM,
I don't know what country you are located in, but try downloading a large
file (20+ MB) from a site that has plenty of bandwidth. For example, here
is a link to WindowsXP SP2 from Microsoft's site:
(Give the download time to reach maximum speed. It can take a few seconds
to even out.)

If that downloads at 5-6 KB, then I would say you have a problem with your
If, however, it downloads at 50-100 KB, then you probably have latency

Latency refers to the number of hops (and the time to cross them) between
you and a remote site.
Latency affects the speed at which you make lots of small, short connections
(such as browsing a bunch of web pages).

A broadband connection does not solve latency issues at all. Physical
proximity is really the only solution to latency.
A broadband connection provides faster downloads for long, large connections
(such as downloading a 20MB video clip).

I have a problem with my first ever Broadband connection.
I have a 1024k (128Ko/s max in theory) connection but two mire tests
indicate debits of 8.9 and
6.3 Ko/s


I pretty much ignored your earlier post because I don't know what "Ko/s" is,
nor am I familiar with "mire" tests. Sometimes people won't jump in and
respond if they are not familiar with the jargon. This is, believe it, or
not, a mutual user self-help group, not an officially staffed MSFT support