Broadband loses connection

Jul 20, 2007
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I am using virgin broadband and after every 20 minutes or so, it will lose connection. When I log off and log back on again, its working fine.

However, it is becoming quite irritating.

It started when i began using my mate's pc.

So could it be something on the pc that interrupts the connection or is this is a Virgin issue?
Is this ADSL (Telephone Line) or Cable?
If it's ADSL then it's a Virgin problem!!
They are probably checking on what you are doing. Virgin likes to pry.

Is the set top box wireless? Also, when you say you are using your mates PC, is yours still connected to the same network?
It sounds to me like you may have been cloned. If your connection is dropping out constantly then your either using a cloned modem or ahve been cloned.

Before you take this any further I suggest you take it up with your Friend my Friend

Of course it could be a completely different problem and then you will need to contact VM ;)

Check all connections to and from the box. Make sure if your on a wireless connection that the router is NOT near any heatsource ie a radiator or even placed ontop of the VM StB