Broadband issues

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Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
My fiber Optic was recently upgraded to 80/20 Although TalkTalk say 75meg download.
Anyway first couple of weeks I was getting a good 70 download and 15 upload, then suddenly last week I was getting 19 download and 15 upload. So called TalkTalk and they sent out an engineer today. He came around 12 and plugged his tablet into the router and did a speed test and got a clear 70meg download and 15 upload. He asked me to run a tst on one of my computers, so I went to run and he said not to use that for fiber optic but rather to use and I only got around 23 meg download. Did the same on other two Windows based computers and got the same. Fire up Mac Pro desktop and again got much the same speed. Engineer got on the phone to his people and explained his speed and my speed on 3 different computers. All they could say was it is software related on my computers.I could understand this if I only had one computer. But for it to be a software problem on 3 Windows machines and a Mac Pro has us both really stumped. Talk then went on to say it must be a Bt Openreach problem so they have booked and engineer for end of January.
So at the moment I am reformatting my laptop, so it is fresh as a daisy with no software on it and I will run a speed test and see if it is " software related " as they put it. Really annoys me as sometimes I think they just try to put blame on the customer instead of trying to figure things out :(
If it has got anything to do with BT they just don't:cry: care.

BT engineers that have been in the past have been pretty good. Its the TalkTalk services that are crap. All they seem to be able to do is read from a script and won't deviate from that.
Ok now I am confused as can be. Just reformatted laptop. It has nothing but Windows 7 Ultimate on it. Ran and got 63meg download and 13 meg upload.
My fiber Optic was recently upgraded to 80/20 Although TalkTalk say 75meg download.
Even though its 80/20 you will only ever see a max of about 75/18 - Overheads etc. :) and he said not to use that for fiber optic but rather to use and I only got around 23 meg download.. is fine, he wanted you to use that other site as its TalkTalk's own speedtest server. - ;)

Even though its powered by the same people as by the looks of it. :lol:

Do you have any idea how far from the cab you are, or how long your line is?
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