Windows XP Broadband Connection

Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Baffled Early Bird

I have a connection problem that has baffled all the experts consulted so far!

My wannadoo broadband works perfectly except early morning when modem ASDL light flickers until a specific time currently about 0620 am regardless of time PC has been on. This time advances by precisely 1 min every day so within a year I will have to wait until the afternoon!!

I cannot detect any scheduled tasks and have disconnected all other phone devices using master socket very close to PC. I have changed filter all without effect. Any thoughts?
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sounds like theres a problem at the exchange or a problem with your connection

i have a similar problem when its really windy my connection drops and the light flashes on the modem, but i have found than picking the phone up an putting it back seems to make it find the line again
Where is your 'filter' connected? At the main phone box or at the end of an extension?

Are you using RJ11 cable, usually yellow, you can buy extension cables that are RJ11 from Asda £9.98, they are not that clearly marked but it solves many problems when people do as I suggest and go and get one to replace their old extension. Not always, but hey, it is future proof and a neater cable.

Is the modem connected by USB (rubbish) or Ethernet (works every time) ... if USB you MUST connect directly to the PC and not use a hub, and take any or all other non needed USB devises off the PC.

If problem still persists, tell Wannapoo that they have broken their contract with you and you are seeking reimbursement and changing ISPs.

Filter is directly on master socket.
USB connection only one on PC.

What puzzles me is why it works perfectly every other time of the day!
keithbc said:
Filter is directly on master socket.
USB connection only one on PC.

What puzzles me is why it works perfectly every other time of the day!
WannaPoo ... ;)
Sunday Off

Curiously yesterday ,SUNDAY, no problem. This morning ,MONDAY, usual problem but 3 minutes later. Does this suggest someone is updating or backing up on the line?
- How many phone lines in the house?
-- If only one, is there a separate physical line run for DSL only?
-- If only one physical line all together, if you were going from your outside box, are there any phones connected on a spliced portion of the line before your PC?
- How many physical phones?
- Filters applied to all?
- Is it a full moon out tonight?
- Solar Flare?

- Do you have satellite TV?
...if so - Plugged into a phone line?
..if yes - It could possibly be that system updating, but it usually does that at night.

- Zhoul