broadband connection lost regularly



This is bizarre. Every two to five minutes I lose internet connection, but
it is reported as loss of connection to webserver. Email server still
functioning, ping still functions to both ip's and names such as

There are no firewalls currently installed or running. I have scanned with
many scanners for spyware/viruses, none left. I used winsockfix and lspfix,
and also manually reset with the netsh commands. I did a repair install of
xp, and then fully updated it. I replaced the network card with a new one.
I run two different browsers and after a couple of minutes neither can gain
net access, but as I said, I maintain the ability to ping. I downloaded
network monitors and none seemed to notice a change.

My feeling is that with the viruses that were present, that there is some
redirect listed in the registry, but I have no idea where to begin with that.
The only way to regain browser capability temporarily is to reboot.
Uninstalling/reinstalling adapter, ipconfig /release , /renew, etc. None
seem to work, and I am totally at a loss at this point. Does anyone have any



I had a similar problem but permanently not just short periods. It appears
to have happened after installing update KB913446. I didn't particularly wish
to uninstall this update unless I had to so looked to another resolution. I
found that it appears to be a DNS problem. I resolved it by;

1. Open network connections.

2. Right click on your internet connection and open properties.

3. Open Internet Protcol (TCP/IP).

4. (This is where my problem is/was) I had selected "Obtain DNS server
address automatically", (which was working fine untill, I believe, I
installed the update.

I obtained my ISPs DNS & Alr DNS IP and selected "Use the following DNS
server and entered the IPs.

My problem went away in that I can now connect to the internet. I have yet
to take this up with any body as I wish to try and fix the underlying problem
myself. At least I can now check FAQ's and Forums in my quest.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the input, unfortunately, I don't see update KB913446, so I can
try uninstall. I did manually place in the DNS servers, but the same thing
happened just a couple of minutes later. I also tried to manually place IP
and such, but to no avail.

This computer was infected with a few redirects a couple of days back and I
removed them and all virus/spyware, but I find myself wondering if there
might have been something placed in the registry that is on a timer or what
not to try and redirect, once the timer runs out, I lose browsing capability
(pure speculation), not even sure what process might be occurring during
reboot that I can't mimic with a command. I think if I could figure that
out, I might be able to resolve this, but as for now I'm still left just
scratching my head.



I downloaded a program called autoruns, and cross referenced with a
functioning computer. Believe it or not, there were pieces of zonealarm
still active in the sys32 file. Both vsmon and vsdatant. I must have looked
right past them because I'm so used to seeing them there. Removed and all
fixed!! Thanks for the help.


Well done. Persistence pays of. After my earlier reply I read about zonealarm
in another topic in this thread. Must commit you resolution to memory.

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