To add to my last post. Has any one read in the papers of the sale of a painting by Cezanne called "The card players" painted around 1893. It`s just been bought by the royal family of Qatar.Now correct me if I`m wrong but I thought images of the human form was forbiden in the Islamic world. So is gambling,drinking alcohol and smoking. This painting has the lot. Yet an Islamic family has bought it for their own pleasure (I presume) And their ilk in this country are telling us that we are in the wrong for the things we do,and they are going to change us by fair or foul means. This is the trouble with religions it`s "do as I say not as I do...or else.
[/URL]in Islam is a proscription in
Islam against the creation of images of sentient living beings. The most absolute proscription is of images of Allah, followed by depictions of Muhammad, and then Islamic prophets and the relatives of the Prophet, but the depiction of all humans and animals is discouraged in the Hadith and by the long tradition of Islamic authorities, especially Sunni ones. This has led to Islamic art being dominated by Islamic geometric patterns, calligraphy and the barely-representational foliage patterns of the arabesque; but figurative art still has a strong tradition, especially on a small scale in private works for the home or palace. The proliferation of photographic and filmed images today has led to controversy, with some religious authorities stating, for example, that all television is un-Islamic; but this is not a widely held position.
So in painting an image or likeness of Him it can`t be disrespectful...Can it?
Hi Abarbarian.
Nobody has seen God, or Allah, as far as I know. So in painting an image or likeness of Him it can`t be disrespectful...Can it?
Thank goodness T.V is O.K. Religions are crazy.
THEY say that it is, and it's their religion. I don't agree with that but there you go.
I don't knock moderate religion but I personally don't have one.