Britain's most complained about broadband providers.


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
I have been with Talk Talk since about 2010 and when it comes to customer services I have to agree with this article 100%. They are absolutely useless. Thankfully I have only had to deal with them a couple of times about billing and never about actual broadband.

I've seen this many times over the years I've been with TalkTalk but I have to say that I have not had any major problems.

At the beginning of this year my internet kept dropping out on an almost daily basis so I rang and got a very quick reply. After a short chat they offered to send me a more modern router, which arrived in 48 hours. As soon as I connected it everything was fine.

Maybe I'm just lucky. :)
I wonder what their customer service was like today considering TalkTalk for London users today was down from around 9:30am to around 5pm
All in all I have had pretty good service from Talk Talk. I started of with AOL back in 2004 if memory serves me right and stayed with Talk Talk when they took over AOL. I have had some darn good deals of them over the years. The few times I have had to contact support they dealt with my queries in a pretty efficient and speedy manner.
Am on their starter fibre package and am well satisfied with the speed and reliability.

I have been with TT for many years. Their support is not too bad (I try to use online chat if possible).
I have Fibre-to-the-cabinet now and am pleased with the speeds. Reliability is 99% and I use it pretty much 18 hours a day working from home.
I have had a few performance issues with the standard router they provided (they did send me another of the same type for free) but had to buy a more expensive one in the end - but maybe their new router is better?
The other issues I had were actually OpenReach issues rather than TT issues (wires/exchange).
TT's rates are competitive, unlimited broadband and I get free £5 mobile contract thrown in too. Unlike BT or Sky, they don't hike the price after 12-18 months and then every 6 months thereafter!
I also am with TalkTalk,have been for around 10 years using their aol service. They have been guite helpful in the past. I have now gone onto their fibre to cabinet,just to see if it makes any difference to the speed. And to be truthful I've not noticed a lot of difference.As we are not great internet users we shall leave it as it is.
I use Outlook 2010 Pro as my e-mail client and abut 2 weeks ago TalkTalk announced they were doing major updates to their e-mail system and since then the amount of daily spam and junk mail I get his been cut down by about 70%. What ever they did was good.