Bringing in a query to excel via MSQuery giving me bogus response



Hey guys,

Im trying to bring in data from access into my excel file here. Its a
union query that runs fine in access and returns about 12000 results,
merging together two seperate tables. When I try and bring it into
excel via MS Query, it tells me there are too few returned results
(less than 1). What gives? I can run this thing till the cows come home
with no problems in access.


I have discovered that this is a limitation of excel - all union
queries must be performed within excel, or the data must be made into
table form before importing.

See the following link

.... it will most likely not work, so for future generation's benefit,
here is the text from the thread:

I have crate a union query in Ms Access XP to combine 2 tables Customer

Below is how the query looks like

SELECT strCustomerID as strID, strCompanyName, "Customer" as strType
FROM tblCustomer
UNION SELECT strVendorID as strID, strCompanyName, "Vendor" as strType
FROM tblVendor;

It can run properly in Ms Access but when I try to import the data from
using Ms Excel's Import External Data | New Database Query, MS Excel
Too few parameters. Expected 2.

Anyone knows what when wrong?

Thank You

xxxxxx Suggestions that did not work xxxxxxx

I think I found out what's wrong.

The cause of the problem lies in Ms Excel. It cannot support a query
calculated/derived field.

However if you do it using Ms Query from within Ms Excel you can do any

union query with any number calculated fields.

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