Brilliant Photographers


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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Brilliant find Rush, there are loads of photos of Chimps there which I really like :thumb: One day I really, really want to go and see some in the wild - that's my ambition :D
Superb pix, nice links, loved the Antarctic ones :thumb:

This world, most of us only ever see a fraction for real.....
Especialy loved the Antarctic ones :D A friend of mine just got posted to the antarctic. Arrived yesturday I believe :nod: :cool:
He wasn't supposed to go until December but had to go early & at short notice to sub for someone who got injured so he was feeling a bit nervous & unprepared but when he got there he sent us an email straight away raving about the place :D
Am quite green :nod:
Loved Brandon Coles Humpback Whales....The pictures were just awesome....:thumb: