I have drawn a freeform line on one slide (a boundary that sits on top of a
map showing restrictions of movement) and now want to copy it into another
slide and then 'break' it in two or three places (to show how a different
category of person can access through the boundary in these places). As the
line is long and complex, I don't want to have to re-draw it. Is there a way
I can select two of the points (using the Edit Points tool) and then delete
that segment?
map showing restrictions of movement) and now want to copy it into another
slide and then 'break' it in two or three places (to show how a different
category of person can access through the boundary in these places). As the
line is long and complex, I don't want to have to re-draw it. Is there a way
I can select two of the points (using the Edit Points tool) and then delete
that segment?