Branching to Custom Shows


Marshall Gevinson

When I branch out of my presentation to a custom show via
the "Action Settings" Hyperlink to: function
I cannot continue with the Presentation once the Custom
Show is finished. It will go back to the "Slide Sorter
View" instead of going back to the slide that called it.

I put a button with an action setting to go to the Slide
number of the intitiating slide. This keeps it in the
presentation, But now, once I continue to the next slide
in order, the presentation reverts back to the last slide
of the previously shown Custom Show.

When I had the Custom Shows as independent ppt files I had
no problem, only when i included them as Cutom Shows did
I have problems.

This was done because I was told to deliver this
presentation on Disk.
I found another problem with branching to outside files
and preforming the Pack and Go, it looses the connection
pointer to the outside file, and therefore the disk won't
work when trying to branch out.

So, Who can tell me how I can get the Cutom shows to run,
go back to the presentation from where it came and allow
the presentation to continue without going back to the
Custom show for no apparent reason or link.

Robert Lerner

Custom shows have always worked that way for me. If I'm in a show and switch
to a custom show with the main show, PPT thinks that's the show I want to
run, not the main show. When switching to an external show, that's not the
case, however.

Try building another custom show that involves all the slides you want to
return to. Place a link to that custom show at the end of the other custom

Robert Lerner

To further explain (sorry, brain slow this morning)...

When you link from within a presentation to another presentation, an
additional show "window" is opened. When done with that linked show, you end
up back in the other show by default, not by any intelligent navigation.
When one window is closed, Windows always takes you to the last window in
use (previous window). It just so happens that the previous window when
running an external show is the originating show "window". If, on the other
hand, while you were in the external show and ALT+TAB'ed to an open Word
document, closing the external show "window" will NOT return you to the
original show, but rather to the Word document.

Custom shows, understand, do not open a new show "window". It uses the show
"window" you are currently in. So, it stands to reason that when that show
is over, there is no other show "window" to default to and display.

Kathryn Jacobs

Are you saying that when you set up your action setting and click Show and
Return, you can't continue? If this is the case, please let me know. I have
never seen this option fail.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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YES !, What I am saying is that at the end of my "Custom"
show consisting of 5 slides, I put an arrow that has the
action setting set to SLIDE 8, from where the "Custom"
show was accessed, that after returning to slide 8, the
next sldie that will appear after the time period that was
set in the transistion the presentation will REVERT back
to the last slide of the "Custom Show". When
the "Custom" show was an individual presentation, outside
of the main presentation, the all worked OK.
Only when I brought the show inside as a "Custom" show did
I have problems


Kathryn Jacobs

Ok, let's try this again....
Don't set up a manual link back to the main show. Instead, when you link to
the custom show set the link up so that it does link and return. When you
finish the last slide, click regularly to continue. The custom show will end
and put you back at the slide you started it from.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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