Bracknell, Berkshire

Mar 5, 2004
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Anyone know where Bracknell is?? Ive got an interview next week there and don't know anything about it. Had a look on the map and it looks like it's near London. Im going from Edinburgh, anyone from round that area? Am i best to fly to London?!

Im sure the company will give me all the directions i need etc, im just looking for a wee head start.


I'm only 25ish miles north of Bracknell.....I would assume it would be best to fly into Heathrow. Its only about another 25 miles From Heathrow to Bracknell. :thumb:
yer i heard of bracknell its somewhere near Windsor
as its part of Berkshire.

yes you are looking at 20-25 miles from Heathrow
I would suggest this is the best airport to fly to for sure.

then from heathrow you got coupla options
a coach, trains, or buses even

biggest question how far is it from Edinburgh to Bracknell?

but you will have to look into that yourself.

biggest question how many miles from
Its about 450 miles or something. Will probably fly from Edinburgh to Heathrow then and i guess get a bus there or something. Have to be there for 9am on monday so will have to fly to london on sunday and get to berkshire and then find a hotel i guess. Cool, well cheers for the info guys, much appreciated. Now i at least know where to fly to!!
