have a field name that is separated by a spacethat i need to reference in a
sql statement. i know i can put brackets around the field name, but the sql
statement also has brackets. how can i code? i have tried putting quotes,
extra brackets, parens around the field name but nothing works. here is the
sql statement
sqlSelect = "SELECT AllClaims.* FROM[SELECT Src.*,
Nz(P2P.ProductionCode,'MISSING CODE') AS ProdCode FROM cntrlD_ITP" &
strthisgrpid & " AS Src LEFT JOIN PendToProduction AS P2P ON Src.[Pend code]
= P2P.PendCode]. AS AllClaims LEFT JOIN tbl_Assignments AS Asgnd ON
AllClaims.[Claim Number] = Asgnd.[Claim Number] WHERE Asgnd.Assignee Is Null"
sqlOrderBy = " ORDER BY Age DESC"
thanks for your help
sql statement. i know i can put brackets around the field name, but the sql
statement also has brackets. how can i code? i have tried putting quotes,
extra brackets, parens around the field name but nothing works. here is the
sql statement
sqlSelect = "SELECT AllClaims.* FROM[SELECT Src.*,
Nz(P2P.ProductionCode,'MISSING CODE') AS ProdCode FROM cntrlD_ITP" &
strthisgrpid & " AS Src LEFT JOIN PendToProduction AS P2P ON Src.[Pend code]
= P2P.PendCode]. AS AllClaims LEFT JOIN tbl_Assignments AS Asgnd ON
AllClaims.[Claim Number] = Asgnd.[Claim Number] WHERE Asgnd.Assignee Is Null"
sqlOrderBy = " ORDER BY Age DESC"
thanks for your help