Bounding Fields On A Form

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I am having trouble bounding form fields that I have created to show data.

In summary:

I created a Form with a bound table that will enable me to scroll thru
records. When a record comes up I want to be able to use a combo box to bring
up the applicable correponding information based on the record and combo box
option chosen. Upon choosing which option I would like from the combo box I
would like the default data to come up in the empty fields that correspond to
the option I chose in the drop down box. I would also like to input data on
empty fields and save the whole record.

Is this feasible?


On my website (, is a small Access database
sample called "ImplementingM2MRelationship.mdb" which might be helpful.
Look at Case 1. When you select a value in Dept, the relevant department
information is populated into the form. When you select a value in the Item
combobox, the relevant item information is populated in the rest of the

This form is actually implementing 2 one-to-many relationships.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
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Thx. I am still having trouble with unbound fields. How do you bound a field
when you create an input/data box on a form?
I intially created the form with a few fields which are bound. Than I created
the combo box and a few other and added those to the form. Those new boxes
are all unbound.

How do I go about bounding the form itself? It was bound initially when it
was created but than I added new boxes to the form, which are unbound.
