Hello Folks,
Using Powerpoint XP.
I have designed for my client four presentations (kiosk style) with over 100
slides in each presentation.
The company's (out of house) graphic designer team and PR team say it is
imperative that I introduce each piece of text, video, photo and graphic
within a defined space of the screen (using specific color palletes + fonts)
.. Also the font has to be in specific uniform scales for each slide type.
All this is to tie in with all the printed matter, branding & corporate
colours and uniforms. Have worked on this for last month or so...and near
the finish line.
Is there any way of introducing a "guide" on the Powerpoint XP workspace,
as we can in photoshop (or the Title Safe Zone in Premiere) , to act as a
visual marker, to use as boundary limits that won't show up on the slide.
I have a deadline for May 18th and looking at a long few days of lining up
material on the already existing slides.
Any suggestions, comments, shoulders to cry on , would be appreciated
Rep of Ireland
Using Powerpoint XP.
I have designed for my client four presentations (kiosk style) with over 100
slides in each presentation.
The company's (out of house) graphic designer team and PR team say it is
imperative that I introduce each piece of text, video, photo and graphic
within a defined space of the screen (using specific color palletes + fonts)
.. Also the font has to be in specific uniform scales for each slide type.
All this is to tie in with all the printed matter, branding & corporate
colours and uniforms. Have worked on this for last month or so...and near
the finish line.
Is there any way of introducing a "guide" on the Powerpoint XP workspace,
as we can in photoshop (or the Title Safe Zone in Premiere) , to act as a
visual marker, to use as boundary limits that won't show up on the slide.
I have a deadline for May 18th and looking at a long few days of lining up
material on the already existing slides.
Any suggestions, comments, shoulders to cry on , would be appreciated

Rep of Ireland