bouncing progresscontrol?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kristoffer Arfvidson
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Kristoffer Arfvidson

Hello, does anybody have a bouncing prograssbar control?

Like in xp, you have a normal progressbar but instead of going from left to
right and fill out the whole progressbar and then stop.

I want it to go from left to right and then back from right to left, and
only showing about 10 steps at a time...

< - >
< - >
< ->
< - >
< - >
<- >

and so on...
AND, IT has to have xp look (Look like an progressbar does in xp)
Does anyone know where to find a control like this?

Yours: Kristoffer
I replied to your other post ( you can easily implement the "bouncing",
too ):

I would take some screenshots of the XP one:
The Upper Left Border
The Upper Right Border
The Upper Middle Border
and so on, plus the actual progress "bars",
then combine them together in the Paint event.

The flickering can be solved by double buffering (draw to hidden surface,
then blit to screen).

- Pete
* "Kristoffer Arfvidson said:
Hello, does anybody have a bouncing prograssbar control? [...]

We already read your other post, there is no need to repost.

I HIGHLY recommend you do not implement this "bouncing" progress bar. It is
extremely annoying as a user to see a progress bar go back and forth.
Progress bar are meant to indicate progress toward the completion of a goal.

I suggest you use the progress bar the normal way, but indicate "Step X of
Y" somewhere on the screen. I have also seen two progress bars used together
where one indicates the progress of a single step and the other indicates
overall progress.

Whatever you choose, remember that your users will be anxiously waiting for
your progress bars to "complete".

Andrew J. Marshall
MCP (Visual Basic)
Fairfax, VA
The problem is, that This progressbar is there to inform the user that a
connection is beeing done to the internet...
Now, Its more or less impossible to predict how long the action will take,
and I want to make sure the end user knows that something is happening...
This kind of bar is the best kind of interface I come across lately and it
would really help me with my task...

Unfortunatly, I cant know how long it would take, because its a matter of
connecting to a webservice...

Yours: Kristoffer
Im sorry, It was ment to be posted in another group...

Yours: Kristoffer

Herfried K. Wagner said:
* "Kristoffer Arfvidson said:
Hello, does anybody have a bouncing prograssbar control? [...]

We already read your other post, there is no need to repost.
Yeah I saw, however, I would like to have a control that is based on the XP
Theme, that the user has implemented...
I would like to avoid images and so on in my controls...

Yours: Kristoffer
If you don't know how long something will take, use a clock with spinning
hands. It is a common Windows idiom to indicate action of unknown length.

Andrew J. Marshall
MCP (Visual Basic)
Fairfax, VA
Hi Kristoffer,

Despite some other posts I know exactly what you're trying to do and
why. Not everyone has XP, and sometimes you just need to show something
so the user knows the system hasn't locked up.

I wanted to do this also, but display the progress indicator on a status
bar on an MDI form although the processing was initiated from another
form shown modally. The major major problem here is that if the main app
is processing modally you need to display the progress indicator in
another thread independent of the main thread. If you're using VB6 this
has some real dangers - see Dan Appleman's article at:

Nevertheless you can find Steve McMahon's working ActiveX progress
indicator at the most excellent vbAccelerator site (note this control is
archived & you can only reach it from the vbAccelerator home page by
going to the Museum...):

Apparently Steve based his control on the work of Matt Curland which
takes account of the warnings raised by Dan Appelman.

Another alternative you might consider is to create an avi file which
does play in its own thread. There is also an avi player control
boasting true transparent background (unlike the standard VB one) on the
vbAccelerator website. Gif Construction Set can create avi's from a
series of gif's.

