Mark Worthington
Having recently got in a twizz regarding xlPasteColumnWidths vs
xlColumnWidths, I have now come across something similar. Old macros
that I create some time ago use the following :
As I'm trying to understand what is going on, I looked in VBA Help,
only to find refrences to the relevant following XlBordersIndex
constant, xlEdgeLeft.
Just to put things in their place, can anyone advise whether this
matters and what is the correct Index to use with the Border object.
xlColumnWidths, I have now come across something similar. Old macros
that I create some time ago use the following :
As I'm trying to understand what is going on, I looked in VBA Help,
only to find refrences to the relevant following XlBordersIndex
constant, xlEdgeLeft.
Just to put things in their place, can anyone advise whether this
matters and what is the correct Index to use with the Border object.