Borderlands free GOTY Enhanced upgrade


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
If you've got the original borderlands, there's a remastered version freely available to you :). Borderlands 1 is 10 years old now, so the graphics have been updated and some nice new features (mini map and improved inventory system) have been added.

If you use Steam, the new game is called "Borderlands GOTY Enhanced" and looks like it'll be worth a replay!

What’s New
  • Visually Remastered: The improved lighting, textures, and character models shine on PC. Enhancements apply to the base game, as well as all add-on content.
  • Quality of Life Improvements: Significant updates to the game’s supporting systems allow for a smoother overall experience. For example:
  • -- A Borderlands 2-style mini-map, which you can toggle on and off, has been added to complement the original compass
  • -- Substantial improvements to the inventory system—such as allowing you to “lock” weapons or mark them as “junk”—simplify item management
  • -- Items like ammo, money, and health now auto-pick up from the ground
  • Rewards Ready: With the addition of the SHiFT player rewards program, you can now use Golden Keys to unlock special in-game items and rewards. Returning SHiFT users who’ve played Borderlands 2 or The Pre-Sequel on PC will receive 75 free Golden Keys, as well as two randomly selected all-new weapons, for their first newly-created Vault Hunter.
  • Added Firepower: A new set of six named, custom-skinned Legendary weapons make the base game’s arsenal even deeper. Beat bosses or gather Golden Keys for a chance to collect ‘em all.
  • Badder Boss Battle: In direct response to fan feedback, the campaign’s final boss encounter has been adjusted to be more engaging, challenging, and rewarding.
  • Cosmetic Customization: For the first time, you will be able to customize your Vault Hunter beyond simply selecting a color scheme. Each of the four available characters has five brand new cosmetic heads unlocked and equippable right from the start of the game.
  • ALL DLC: Didn’t own any Borderlands DLC? Now you got it all! On BOTH the original game and in Borderlands: Game of the Year Enhanced!
Just played a 'quick' 4 hours :eek: and first difference I noticed was items are picked up automatically now when you pass over them, a la BL2.

Inventory layout is better but can't honestly say I've noticed any significant graphics improvements.

I was thinking about playing this through again so this was a good excuse.

Other games I've been playing are GTA V (Finally figured left game controller button has to be held in when firing whilst driving - doh) and quite a lot of Pillars Of Eternity which I'm enjoying a great deal.

Also bought Far Cry 5 in a sale recently but haven't played it yet.
I'm really glad to hear about the auto-pickup, as when BL2 had that it made much more sense.

Also bought Far Cry 5 in a sale recently but haven't played it yet.

I bought this in the sale too and I really enjoy it. I like the setting, but I think it's a shame that there aren't more bases to capture, like there were in the previous FarCry games. I used to enjoy taking out a base stealthily and capturing that area, but FC5 doesn't have much of this. On the flip side, the new companion system is great - there are some fun characters to team up with!