Borderlands 3


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I loved Borderlands 2 and played it a lot in co-op mode with friends, so I'm particularly excited to see that Borderlands 3 is coming out in the near future:

The trailer shows some of the old characters and looks pretty similar in gameplay style, so I think this could turn out to be a really popular game :D.

Anyone else looking forward to Borderlands 3?
Me! :D

Borderlands 1 & 2 probably qualify for my favourite games ever with me having notched up 1330 hours in Borderlands 2, all in single player mode. Borderlands Pre-Sequel not so much but it was passable.

I did catch this news elsewhere and apparently there will be be Hi Res graphics packs released for the other Borderlands games at the same time.
Borderlands 2 was such a fun game and B3 looks like it won't disappoint :thumb:
Borderlands fan here, I have spent hours and hours wasting time out there in the boonies. :D
I didn't know we had so many Borderlands fans here :D. There's talk that it's going to be released in October (based on some very loose guesswork based on the trailer), which would be great if that really is the case.
This is now released :D.

Did anyone go for it? Personally, I'm going to wait for it to head to steam before I buy it.
This is now released :D.

Did anyone go for it? Personally, I'm going to wait for it to head to steam before I buy it.

Me too. I almost went for it, at Green Man Gaming for the super deluxe version it was £76.49 pre-release and is now £80.74.

Probably the only game I'd ever consider buying the SDL version as the add-ons will hopefully be good. I just hope any future DLC is better than the rubbish that was offered for BL Pre-Sequel.

I recently bought Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus in a Steam sale and have so far notched up 20 hours and have been thoroughly enjoying it, I think it's a great game and can't understand all the negative criticism it received.

And today I finally bought Rage 2 at Steam (standard version) for £13.19 in a sale of theirs so will finally find out if it's any good or not. Reviews are mixed about 40/60% bad/good.

I did consider buying A Plague Tale: Innocence at £26.79 in the Steam sale atm but I think enough is enough, food also costs money :D This is one game I will definitely buy at some point in the future.

As for Borderlands 3, I think it's unlikely to come down in price for a few years yet but I'll probably purchase at some time.
Me too. I almost went for it, at Green Man Gaming for the super deluxe version it was £76.49 pre-release and is now £80.74.

Ouch, that's a big chunk for a game. I hope it does come down a bit by the time it gets to steam. I don't want to use the Epic launcher if possible - Origin, Steam and GoG are enough for me :lol: . I'm guessing buying it from GoG still uses Epic launcher to start the game.

I did consider buying A Plague Tale: Innocence at £26.79 in the Steam sale atm but I think enough is enough, food also costs money :D This is one game I will definitely buy at some point in the future.

There's a free trial of this apparently - may be worth giving a go. Been ages since I've seen a real game trial/demo!

I did eventually buy Borderlands 3 when the Super Deluxe Version came down to £60 at Green man Gaming and..... it's great :D

This did mean that I had to use the Epic Games Client which frankly is a bit rubbish. I had already installed it cos for a while Epic were giving away loads of pretty good games and I can't resist a freebie.

But each time I start Borderlands 3 a flash screen pops up and that's it - it freezes. So I have to start task manager and close B3 down - usually I have to do this twice - and then it will start. I've played 40 hours so far and it hasn't disappointed this committed Borderlands fan.

I have Origin (EA), GoG, Uplay (Ubisoft), Steam and Epic game clients installed and also the Rockstar Games launcher (which I haven't actually used yet). Of these imo Steam is the best with Uplay a good second place. It can't be long before B3 is available on a different and better games client.

I mentioned A Plague Tale: Innocence and Rage 2 in an above post and imo I can say Plague Tale is very very good indeed and Rage 2 is a bit crap. I've almost finished Plague Tale, it's difficult and quite puzzling in places but it did keep drawing me back. I did manage to get it eventually for about £20 and I believe it's in the current Steam sale for even less.
Glad to hear you're enjoying it @floppybootstomp. Have you just played it single player so far? Has 40 hours taken you to near completion? That's a decent gameplay length already!

I'm yet to purchase it, but I think by the time it comes to summer I'll jump in and get it.
Glad to hear you're enjoying it @floppybootstomp. Have you just played it single player so far? Has 40 hours taken you to near completion? That's a decent gameplay length already!

I'm yet to purchase it, but I think by the time it comes to summer I'll jump in and get it.

Just single player, I've never played multiplayer in any of the Borderlands games. Right now I'm level 24 and have just broken Mr Hammerlock out of jail after beating the jail warden in a boss fight.

I don't know how many hours I've played though as the Epic Games Client won't start at this moment which means I can't play Borderlands 3. As I mentioned before if you can avoid using the Epic games client then do so cos it really is a bit rubbish. From what I can work out I think the Epic server is down but I'm not sure.

But one thing I am sure about is I'm a bit cheesed off not being able to play BL3 :mad:
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Epic launcher either. TBH, the only one I really like is Steam - and even that isn't without faults.

As soon as it's on Steam and the price drops a bit, I'm picking this one up :D.
The Epic launcher did come back last night and I played a little more BL3 and noted I've played 66 hours so far.

Another quirk of the Epic client is that I start BL3 from a taskbar icon and if Epic decide to update their launcher then BL3 won't start until the launcher is opened and the update acknowledged. Which had me worrying a little when it first happened.