Two comments: 1. Twenty seven years of military life for
me - 1947-1974. Had short time served with two Aussie
sailors in 1965. Sorry to violate rules on topic.
Not to worry - it is sort of relevant

I did 22 years in the army and 17 in defence, served 3 years in the
USA - at US Army Signal school when it was at Fort Monmouth NJ and at
the Limited War Labs at Aberdeen proving Grounds MD. Vastly
clue me on IAA and I will monitor my PC to see what the
answer it. Appreciate your efforts.
Open Device Manager (rightclick My Computer/Properties/Hardware
tab/Device Manager box). Click on the + next to IDE ATA/ATAPI
Controllers. If it expands to say some sort of Intel Ultra ATA
Controller, you probably have IAA installed. If it says some sort of
busmaster controller, you don't have it. There should also be an
entry in your start menu if you have it.
If you don't have IAA, you need to open up the controller and/or
channels properties and tick the DMA boxes to make the bootvis error
message go away. If you have the IAA controllers, there is no DMA box
to tick.