Bootstrapper Settings.ini DialogText Field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Dukes
  • Start date Start date

Bob Dukes

The Bootstrapper settings.ini file has a field named
DialogText in the [Bootstrap] section to set up a custom
dialog that appears at the start of a .NET application
installation. How do you specify a carriage return/line
feed for the DialogText value in the settings.ini to get a
multi-line string to display in the custom dialog? Thanks
for your help - Bob

The BootStrapper uses GetPrivateProfileString API. That API seems not able
to accept strings with carriage.

You may download the source file of the bootstrapper from

and then modify the code manually.

Best regards,
Bradley Jiang

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|Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
|From: "Bob Dukes" <[email protected]>
|Sender: "Bob Dukes" <[email protected]>
|Subject: Bootstrapper Settings.ini DialogText Field
|Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:19:42 -0700
|Lines: 7
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|X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework
|The Bootstrapper settings.ini file has a field named
|DialogText in the [Bootstrap] section to set up a custom
|dialog that appears at the start of a .NET application
|installation. How do you specify a carriage return/line
|feed for the DialogText value in the settings.ini to get a
|multi-line string to display in the custom dialog? Thanks
|for your help - Bob