Hi, Fredo.
Rather than piggyback onto this old thread, please start a New thread to
tell us your problem. Be sure to include the basic details about your
computer, such as make and model, description of your hard disk(s), and
which specific version of Vista you are running. Also tell us if this is a
problem with installing a new Vista, or if your Vista has been running for a
long time - and what changed from the time it was running and the time it
quit running. Here are some tips that I shamelessly copied from a recent
post from Bob (Thanks, Bob!):
What you are asking?
Read one or more of the below links then post back.
How to ask a question
Good Post
Ask for help in a smart way
tried bootrec /fixboot on c:
My Vista says , "'bootrec' is not recognized as an operable program or batch
R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64 SP1)