This is not totally XPE related, just that the machine is using XPE, and I
need some help on this.
We have this system and we use those hardy solid state drives so that we can
boot up from freezing temperatures. However, it seems that the unit couldn't
start up. The unit did manage to get into BIOS, but a bluescreen appears
after Windows tries to load. The error was a Fatal System Error, and it
seemed that Windows couldn't start up and reach winlogon. In room
temperature, the bootup is fine.
I am wondering if there are any operating temperature limits to the OS. I
mean, I thought that the hardware (and maybe solders or connections) would
probably be the limiting factors, but I need to confirm this. If the OS can
boot up in normal temperature, does it mean that there is nothing wrong with
the OS image?
Any advice or does anyone have any experience on this?
Thanks in advance!
This is not totally XPE related, just that the machine is using XPE, and I
need some help on this.
We have this system and we use those hardy solid state drives so that we can
boot up from freezing temperatures. However, it seems that the unit couldn't
start up. The unit did manage to get into BIOS, but a bluescreen appears
after Windows tries to load. The error was a Fatal System Error, and it
seemed that Windows couldn't start up and reach winlogon. In room
temperature, the bootup is fine.
I am wondering if there are any operating temperature limits to the OS. I
mean, I thought that the hardware (and maybe solders or connections) would
probably be the limiting factors, but I need to confirm this. If the OS can
boot up in normal temperature, does it mean that there is nothing wrong with
the OS image?
Any advice or does anyone have any experience on this?
Thanks in advance!