To anyone,
Is it possible to boot one laptop on my wireless network from my mapped cd
drive on another laptop on my wireless network. I know I can install
software from my mapped cd drive to another laptop, because I did it this
weekend. But now I want to take it one step further. I'm working on my
friends laptop with an inoperable cd drive. We want to reformat his hard
drive and reinstall the operating system. I want to know how I can get his
laptop to boot from my mapped cd drive. I running Vista on my machine with
the mapped drive and my friend is running XP on his machine with the
inoperable cd drive. I need the step by step process on how this can be
Is it possible to boot one laptop on my wireless network from my mapped cd
drive on another laptop on my wireless network. I know I can install
software from my mapped cd drive to another laptop, because I did it this
weekend. But now I want to take it one step further. I'm working on my
friends laptop with an inoperable cd drive. We want to reformat his hard
drive and reinstall the operating system. I want to know how I can get his
laptop to boot from my mapped cd drive. I running Vista on my machine with
the mapped drive and my friend is running XP on his machine with the
inoperable cd drive. I need the step by step process on how this can be