Booger said:
I purchased an A7N8X motherboard and placed my old chip into it. Turned
out the chip was fried in my old system too. But it seems that it may
have toasted the ASUS board now. Can chips cook boards???
For that matter, any component in a computer, that has a power to
I/O signal short, could cook whatever it gets plugged into. So
problems like this are not limited to just processors. That is why,
if a friend calls up, and asks "can I come over and test my duff
processor", just say no.
Was the processor working in the old motherboard, before you upgraded ?
Or was the purpose of the upgrade, to fix what you thought was a
bad motherboard ? With Athlons, sometimes you can tell by the
discoloration of the chip, if there was a thermal problem (i.e. chip
overheated or fried somehow). Sometimes you can even see a mark in
the heatsink.