can anybody help me,i'll go to a web site eg:trademe,and alot of the time
i'll go to open another page on that site,and i'll get booted right out of
the site,it is starting to happen more often now,could it be something to do
with add ons? and if so do i have to disable every single one as in the
different groups, currently loaded,without permission etc.


KNOTTYV8 said:
can anybody help me,i'll go to a web site eg:trademe,and alot of the time
i'll go to open another page on that site,and i'll get booted right out of
the site,it is starting to happen more often now,could it be something to
with add ons? and if so do i have to disable every single one as in the
different groups, currently loaded,without permission etc.

You may just need to enable cookies

If you've recently switched from IE6 to IE7
the default security settings are a bit higher

Mick Murphy

Is that trademe. NZ?
I checked it out, no probs.
I have default settings on IE7

Mad Mike


Yes it's trademe nz,thats just one of the sites it happens at.i'll be on the
site,go to open another window from that site,or even back page it and i just
get booted right out.where do i go to check my default settings? thanks

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