If that's a quote, the hardware information is wrong. An 80 wire ide ribbon
cable is required/mandatory for all UDMA66 / ATA66 hard drives, and those
UDMA100 / ATA100 hard drives cached data flow is just under the PCI delivery
rate of 33 MB/s. ATA133 exceeds that, and the standard PCI bus can't
deliver at the rate its being filled, so such a hard drive has to pause in
such a case. This rate of speed is from the onboard hard drive cache. Not
normal throughput, which is what's more likely to be used.
The 80 wire ide ribbon cable serves not only to prevent / diminish data
spread to other wires on that cable. But, also prevents / diminishes RF in
the PC enclosure around it. For the latter reason, one should be using this
type cable in any latter day PC for ANY ide device.