What you want is an automatic logon.
Automatic Logons:
Microsoft method:
(Essentially the same... but different place:
http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/13/ )
Microsoft Method 2:
TweakUI from:
control userpasswords2 method:
1) Go to the Start Menu and the Run box.
2) Type in the following:
control userpasswords2
now click OK
3) In the new Windows that appears select the account you wish to make the
primary logon.
Now uncheck the "Users must enter a username and password..." box.
4) Hit Apply and a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the
users password.
Click OK when you are done...
Hopefully that gets you where you are wanting to be.
It is a *good* thing in the user arena to:
1) Have strong passwords.
2) Have more than one administrator level account (with strong passwords).