Boot Time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Theresa
  • Start date Start date


I've successfully created an image and gotten it to run on
my target drive. That was a bit of a struggle, but I
managed to do it.

However, the boot time is extraordinarily long (2-4
minutes). Is this normal? Is there any way to reduce the
boot time?

Any information on why this might be is extremely

Thanks in advance!!!

Build your image using the XPe SP1 repositories.

heath holcomb said:
how do you move to sp1 on xpe?


Heath H Holcomb
(e-mail address removed)
Texas Digital Systems
I've been looking all over the XPe site and I can't seem
to find a place to download the service pack. Does anyone
have a link?
i'm using sp1 and my boot time is also quite long (1-2 minutes) considering
the fact that xpe is suppose to be components of XP Pro.