Boot Problems


Fred Alonzi

We have 25 Windows 2000 PCs connecting to a Windows 2000
server. 10 days ago, 3 of those PCs began having problems.
They boot to the logon screen normally, but after entering
the username and password, it takes 11 minutes to get to
the desktop. After that, everything runs normally.

We use automatic Windows updates and Norton Anti-Virus
Corporate Edition, and everything was and is up-to-date.
There is nothing unusual in the Startup folder or Run key.
Nothing unusual in the event viewer.

We use roaming profiles, and have tried several different
logons, same results. If I logon to the local PC,
everything is fine.

I've used the bootlog option, but have trouble
interpreting it. And since it doesn't show the time that
each step is executed, I don't know that it would be
helpful anyway.

Can anyone recommend other troubleshooting steps?


do you have DNS server running on your w2000 DC? it has to be to prevent
those problems. Just let use your stations your w2000 DC DNS server like
primary DNS and everything should go smootlly...

Gerry Voras

I agree that DNS should be looked at in any AD environment. But since the
symptopms are currently limited to 3 machines, I'd look at local symptoms.
Can you log in as a local admin? If so, give the machine a good going
over -- configs, ad-aware, anti-virus, add/remove programs, etc.

Steve N.

Check the NAV settings and if scanning network drives is on at the
workstations turn it off. That may help. If the roaming profiles are
pretty big and NAV is scanning them when they load it might account for
some of that delay.



We have two Win2K servers and about seven workstations. Now the server will take the admin user name and password and then nothing. I've waited overnight and it never loads the desktop

The server is worthless as is and I'm stuck

Can you help


----- Fred Alonzi wrote: ----

We have 25 Windows 2000 PCs connecting to a Windows 2000
server. 10 days ago, 3 of those PCs began having problems.
They boot to the logon screen normally, but after entering
the username and password, it takes 11 minutes to get to
the desktop. After that, everything runs normally

We use automatic Windows updates and Norton Anti-Virus
Corporate Edition, and everything was and is up-to-date.
There is nothing unusual in the Startup folder or Run key.
Nothing unusual in the event viewer

We use roaming profiles, and have tried several different
logons, same results. If I logon to the local PC,
everything is fine

I've used the bootlog option, but have trouble
interpreting it. And since it doesn't show the time that
each step is executed, I don't know that it would be
helpful anyway

Can anyone recommend other troubleshooting steps?

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