In KenK typed:
Ho. All I did was install the external USB drive yesterday and copied
a few files to it. No OS files, no intent at this time of booting
from the new drive, I would just like it available to backup files to
when I normally boot from C.
The system wouldn't boot from C until I unplugged the new USB drive.
Evidently something in the BIOS is telling the system to boot from USB
before it tries C. I didn't change any of the BIOS settings.
Oh ok, I was worried that is what you were trying to do. And yes, having
a non-bootable USB device on some systems will cause the system to hang.
And if you are thinking some USB devices doesn't hang your machine and
this one does, don't worry I've seen this too. I blame not all USB chips
are not all created equal. And some have little quirts in the
True, most BIOS settings you can change the default boot order of
devices. And changing USB to come after your boot drive usually takes
care of this problem. If you ever want to boot from USB, some BIOS
allows you to boot from this device just this one time. Most of my
machines, it is hitting the ESC key gets you there when you first turn
on the machine. Some BIOS doesn't have this nifty boot only this time