Hi I have been trying to get my old celeron 667 128mb ram on a Aopen ax34 mb
up and running. Funny thing, fired up the old system installed win xp pro
with all updates and it seemed to work fine (a little slow maybe but my amd
system was getting a mb issue repaired so i needed a backup system). Then
tried to swap in a slave drive and the system would just hang prepost no
bios. Took out the new drive reboot same problem. Checked all connections
cleared bios start again still just freeze before bios? Powered down unplug
everything let stand 15 minutes plug in power, nothing..5 times later
nothing. Then I rebooted walked away came back 10 15 mins later the bios
screen just came on everything works fine WTF. Now Whenever i power down or
reboot i have to go through this circus show just to get back running.
Anybody got ideas ?????
up and running. Funny thing, fired up the old system installed win xp pro
with all updates and it seemed to work fine (a little slow maybe but my amd
system was getting a mb issue repaired so i needed a backup system). Then
tried to swap in a slave drive and the system would just hang prepost no
bios. Took out the new drive reboot same problem. Checked all connections
cleared bios start again still just freeze before bios? Powered down unplug
everything let stand 15 minutes plug in power, nothing..5 times later
nothing. Then I rebooted walked away came back 10 15 mins later the bios
screen just came on everything works fine WTF. Now Whenever i power down or
reboot i have to go through this circus show just to get back running.
Anybody got ideas ?????