Last week after rebooting our win2k sp4 server, our server came up Blue
Screen with Inaccessible_Boot_Device error and even cannot go into Safe
mode. Used a Win2k startup CD
going into the recovery console and ran Chkdsk but came up with
Use a DOS bootable disk and FDISK /MBR, the system was able to boot
normally then a message pop up saying something like: "The system has
been updated and you would need to reboot your system to take effect".
Once reboot the system went into Blue screen again.
We then mount the hard drive to another PC and ran several major
Anti-Virus such as Norton, Kaspersky. Kill some suspicious but still
get into Blue screen again with the same error. We then have to use
FDISK /MBR again in order to boot normally.
It seems that the system was infected with some kind of boot sector
virus that erase the partition boot section on every successful boot.
But none of our major anti-virus software was able to dis-infect it.
Anyone has any thought whether this is a virus? Is there any solution?
Much appreciated.
Last week after rebooting our win2k sp4 server, our server came up Blue
Screen with Inaccessible_Boot_Device error and even cannot go into Safe
mode. Used a Win2k startup CD
going into the recovery console and ran Chkdsk but came up with
Use a DOS bootable disk and FDISK /MBR, the system was able to boot
normally then a message pop up saying something like: "The system has
been updated and you would need to reboot your system to take effect".
Once reboot the system went into Blue screen again.
We then mount the hard drive to another PC and ran several major
Anti-Virus such as Norton, Kaspersky. Kill some suspicious but still
get into Blue screen again with the same error. We then have to use
FDISK /MBR again in order to boot normally.
It seems that the system was infected with some kind of boot sector
virus that erase the partition boot section on every successful boot.
But none of our major anti-virus software was able to dis-infect it.
Anyone has any thought whether this is a virus? Is there any solution?
Much appreciated.