Boot problem files missing

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I have a stand alone system. It has two hard drives and
I had a third with no idea what it has. I replaced my
normal slave and this new drive(set to slave I think).
When I booted the BIOS didn't recognize any hard drives.
I didn't want to bother with it anymore so I put the old
slave back and upon boot the system said "NTLDR" was
missing and I needed to restart. I have no Idea to get
this file or driver or what ever. I have no idea to get
the files I want out of the hard drive. Any suggestions

Thank you for posting.

From your description I understand that you cannot boot Windows XP because
of the
error message "NTLDR missing"

Please follow one of the suggestions here to resolve the issue.

Suggestion 1:

1. Make sure that the hard drive on which Windows XP is installed is
configured as Master and the other drive as slave.
2. Check the boot order in CMOS Setup.
3. Use recovery console and copy the following files.

Copy <CD Drive Letter>:\i386\ntldr c:
Copy <CD Drive Leterr>:\ c:

4. Rebuild the boot.ini file in recovery console using

Bootcfg /rebuild command

The link below provides information about recovery console in Windows XP:

Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console;en-us;q314058

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP;EN-US;307654

If the above suggestion does not work, please try the one below.

Suggestion 2:

1) Make sure you have set your CD-ROM as the first priority boot device.
You may refer to your computer manual for information on how to do this.
2) Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM and reboot your computer.
3) When you see "Press any key to boot from CD…" on the screen, press a key
to let your computer boot from the Windows XP CD.
4) When the computer boots from the CD-ROM, it will check your hardware and
then prompt you the following options.

* To set up Windows XP now, press Enter.

* To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console,
press R.

* To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Please press Enter. (Note: please do not press R at this step)

5) Press the F8 key to agree the Licensing Agreement.
6) You will see your current Windows XP installation listed in a box and
get the following options:

* To repair the selected Windows XP installation, press R.

* To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP without
repairing, press Esc.

Please press "R".

7) Then the setup program will repair Windows XP automatically.

After repairing Windows XP, you may need to re-activate it.

Now please check if you are able to boot Windows XP successfully.

I hope the above information helps. If there is anything unclear, please
feel free to let me know. Thank you and have a nice day!


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| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| From: "BB" <[email protected]>
| Sender: "BB" <[email protected]>
| Subject: Boot problem files missing
| Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 17:11:01 -0700
| Lines: 13
| Message-ID: <[email protected]>
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| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage
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| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage
| I have a stand alone system. It has two hard drives and
| I had a third with no idea what it has. I replaced my
| normal slave and this new drive(set to slave I think).
| When I booted the BIOS didn't recognize any hard drives.
| I didn't want to bother with it anymore so I put the old
| slave back and upon boot the system said "NTLDR" was
| missing and I needed to restart. I have no Idea to get
| this file or driver or what ever. I have no idea to get
| the files I want out of the hard drive. Any suggestions
| please.
-----Original Message-----
I have a stand alone system. It has two hard drives and
I had a third with no idea what it has. I replaced my
normal slave and this new drive(set to slave I think).
When I booted the BIOS didn't recognize any hard drives.
I didn't want to bother with it anymore so I put the old
slave back and upon boot the system said "NTLDR" was
missing and I needed to restart. I have no Idea to get
this file or driver or what ever. I have no idea to get
the files I want out of the hard drive. Any suggestions

Recheck your jumpers on your hard drives,the pin on the
far left is slave, if the drive does not have a pin it is
the master drive.