Boot file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Huber
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Jim Huber


Sorry if I am asking this question in the wrong group. I
am not sure which heading to put this under.

Can someone tell me how I can learn the language to
write a different boot.ini file? My Laptop's Bios does
not have the choice to boot from a USB drive, but it does
have the choice to boot from a LAN. My Laptop is
connected to a Network using a NetGear Router (WGT634U).
The Router has a USB port so I can connect an external
drive to it, which allows me to access the drive through
my Network. Now I would like to know how to write a
boot.ini file so I can boot from this drive.

All help will be deeply appreciated!
Jim Huber said:

Sorry if I am asking this question in the wrong group. I
am not sure which heading to put this under.

Can someone tell me how I can learn the language to
write a different boot.ini file? My Laptop's Bios does
not have the choice to boot from a USB drive, but it does
have the choice to boot from a LAN. My Laptop is
connected to a Network using a NetGear Router (WGT634U).
The Router has a USB port so I can connect an external
drive to it, which allows me to access the drive through
my Network. Now I would like to know how to write a
boot.ini file so I can boot from this drive.

All help will be deeply appreciated!

If the bios doesn't support booting to USB, the boot.ini could do for you.
The bios would have to be able to access the drive to see the boot.ini file
that's written there.
-----Original Message-----

If the bios doesn't support booting to USB, the boot.ini could do for you.
The bios would have to be able to access the drive to see the boot.ini file
that's written there.

I am not trying to boot to a USB drive. I want to boot
to a LAN.
Jim Huber wrote on 07-Oct-2004 5:09 PM:
Can someone tell me how I can learn the language to
write a different boot.ini file? My Laptop's Bios does
not have the choice to boot from a USB drive, but it does
have the choice to boot from a LAN. My Laptop is
connected to a Network using a NetGear Router (WGT634U).
The Router has a USB port so I can connect an external
drive to it, which allows me to access the drive through
my Network. Now I would like to know how to write a
boot.ini file so I can boot from this drive.

The System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) has a boot.ini tab that
can help you create a boot.ini file for existing Windows installations
that it can find.

However, the LAN boot protocol is unique. It isn't like a hard drive
boot. I don't know the details, but your server needs to understand the
PXE protocol or another protocol that I don't recall the acronym for.
You can't access a USB drive on a remote device without a protocol. When
you are booting, SMB or NetBIOS is not an option. Does your NetGear
router support a LAN boot protocol that matches your system capabilities?
-----Original Message-----
Jim Huber wrote on 07-Oct-2004 5:09 PM:

The System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) has a boot.ini tab that
can help you create a boot.ini file for existing Windows installations
that it can find.

However, the LAN boot protocol is unique. It isn't like a hard drive
boot. I don't know the details, but your server needs to understand the
PXE protocol or another protocol that I don't recall the acronym for.
You can't access a USB drive on a remote device without a protocol. When
you are booting, SMB or NetBIOS is not an option. Does your NetGear
router support a LAN boot protocol that matches your system capabilities?
Hello Mr. England,

From what you wrote and from your question I can see I
am trying to get into something way over my head. I am so
lost that it is like you are talking a whole different
language to me. I guess if I am this lost I should not
try to take this any farther. I want to Thank you for
your assistance and I appreciate your help.

Thanks again!