Boot Error


Carl Stockwell

I apologize in advance as this is an issue about ME, not XP but i have found
a really good level of experience in this group so I hope someone might shed
some light on this matter.

I have a strange problem on a lap top. My niece's boyfriend recently opened
an e-mail that MAY have contained a virus. After he clicked it open, he
noticed a DOS box on the desktop. He then decided to download Norton from
the University's server. It downloaded fine but now whenever he tries to
boot the computer he gets a message "Windows is unable to upgrade file %1
from %2" and this is followed by the next line %1 %2

The machine is a Dell Inspiron with 128MbRAM running ME. I can boot off the
CD and get to a command prompt and my initial impression is that everything
seems intact (except the OS). All his files and folders look OK. I have the
CD to restore ME but before I take that step, I was hoping someone might
know something about this error.

Carl S

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