Are there any book covering C++/CLI yet?
_B said:Are there any book covering C++/CLI yet?
Publicjoe said:Hi
Yes, there is an annotated standard by Addison wesley
and also O'Reilly publish the Shared Source CLI Essentials at
Hope this helps
Not sure why you cross-post,
but to answer your question, there are no books
that I know of. I wouldn't expect one before the end of this year (before
the C++/CLI ECMA TC has voted on the standard).
For the time being, your only source of information is the public draft of
the standard available from - http://www.plumhall.com/ecma/
must read the question properly before jumping in with both feet? Duh!
_B said:Reply appreciated anyway, Joe. I wish MS had thought to call the new
standard by another name. It does get confusing, and it's tougher to
search for info.
_B said:Of course, if C++ does get rid of some of the extra baggage, I could
possibly return to C++ programming. <g>
Nobody is forcing you to use the "extra baggage" <g>.
Some of us
actually like using it, however. It provides language additions which
.NET and C# have not even dreamed about.
The ECMA TC is the owner of the standard, don't know if MSFT has proposed
this name. Anyway it's not confusing at all (at least not to me) C++/CLI
means C++ for the CLI and CLI means the Common Language Infrastructure -
both are seperate ECMA standards.
Anyway it's not confusing at all (at least not to me) C++/CLI
_B said:Another thing...I just found out you can't use C++/CLI as a filename
(ha!) after absent-mindedly trying to bookmark Stan Lippman's upcoming
book: http://www.compman.co.uk/scripts/browse.asp?ref=729013
Due in September. I guess he'll have a pretty good grasp of what will
be in the final draft, even if the language isn't formally released
While you are waiting for the book to get published you can start reading
Stan's blog articles http://blogs.msdn.com/slippman/default.aspx and some of
his recent "Pure C++" articles published in msdnmag