Books on ASP.NET 2.0


Steve Peterson


We just upraded to VS.NET 2005. After using it for a week I realize that I
need a good reference book on ASP.NET 2.0 outling all the new controls and
new stuff. Before I went and forked over the $$$ for one, I thought I would
ask the members of the ASP.NET community for any thoughts on which books are
better than others.

Any input from you all will be greatly appreciated!



Assuming that you know ASP.NET 1.1 very well; an excellent choice for
an upgrade book will be:
OReilly's ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook
It only covers the new changes and features of ASP.NET 2.0

Steve Peterson

Guys - thanks for the input on the books! I really appreciate it. I live in
Spain, so I have to get all my books online so it can be a "hit-miss" type
of deal. I don't have the luxery of heading down to the local bookstore and
thumbing through the books on the shelves to see what I need..


Otis Mukinfus

I used to recommend the Wrox books, but since the company was purchased they
books just don't seem as good all the time. The best one I've used thus far
is Pro ASP.Net 2.0 in C# (I think there's a VB version as well) by Apress

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

I agree with Mark. As we would say in Texas, "It's a good'ern."

Otis Mukinfus

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