I am assisting in the development of a system where one of the desing goals
In form 'Family' the user can click an Add New Adult button and view form
'Adult', in Add mode (just the tentative append record showing), or select
an Adult and click on details and open the 'Adult' form filtered to just the
selected adult
After adding some keys details in the 'Adult' form the user can then click
to add an address, which opens the 'address' form again in Add mode.
After completing an address, closing the address form automatically updates
an address subform (which displays key details of the address) on the Adult
To get the address subform (on the adult form) to requery correctly I need
to requery the adult form, thus moving from the current record.
I use a bookmark to 'remember' the record that the user was previously
viewing and relocate and display that record. This causes problems if the
Adult form was opened in Add mode. Although I save the record and then store
the bookmark, after a requery the bookmark can't be found.
I can get around this by initially opening the Adult form in Edit mode and
then moving to a new record, but this is not exactly what has been
Any ideas as to how I can move the record I was working on previously? The
code is generic and so I am trying to avoid storing the primary key and then
looking for records that match as this will be less flexible than
bookmarking if I can find a way to get that to work.
I am assisting in the development of a system where one of the desing goals
In form 'Family' the user can click an Add New Adult button and view form
'Adult', in Add mode (just the tentative append record showing), or select
an Adult and click on details and open the 'Adult' form filtered to just the
selected adult
After adding some keys details in the 'Adult' form the user can then click
to add an address, which opens the 'address' form again in Add mode.
After completing an address, closing the address form automatically updates
an address subform (which displays key details of the address) on the Adult
To get the address subform (on the adult form) to requery correctly I need
to requery the adult form, thus moving from the current record.
I use a bookmark to 'remember' the record that the user was previously
viewing and relocate and display that record. This causes problems if the
Adult form was opened in Add mode. Although I save the record and then store
the bookmark, after a requery the bookmark can't be found.
I can get around this by initially opening the Adult form in Edit mode and
then moving to a new record, but this is not exactly what has been
Any ideas as to how I can move the record I was working on previously? The
code is generic and so I am trying to avoid storing the primary key and then
looking for records that match as this will be less flexible than
bookmarking if I can find a way to get that to work.