I am trying to set up hyperlinks [with bookmarks] from page "A" to page "B".
Even though there are 10 bookmarks on page "B", when I go to page "A" to set
up the hyperlinks, only 5 hyperlinks appear. This limitation does not appear
when I want to create hyperlinks [with bookmarks] from page "A" to any other
Basically I have done the following in the following order [& variations
thereof] to no avail. Remove all bookmarks from page B. Save page B. Close
page B. Shut down computer. Restart. Recreate bookmarks on page B. Save &
publish page B. Go to page A to check to see if 5 bookmark limit has
disappeared & all bookmarks visible [which hasn't happened yet]. I have tried
all the suggestions posted on how do deal with non-functioning hyperlinks &
hyperlink errors that were applicable -- to no avail.
All 10 bookmarks continue to appear in page B when I click on bookmark. They
also all work on page B as they connect to hyperlinks [a page directory] at
the top on page B.
Even if they aren't hyperlinked to the list at the top of the page, the
maximum number that show up in the list on page A is 5 when I use the Edit
Hyperlink or Insert Hyperlink popup when I'm working on page A.
My website is www.budoshin.com . If you click on the logo of the page that
appears, it will take you to my "home" page [page A]. You can click on
various hyperlinks to go directly to different pages or page sections on my
website. If you go to the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Store [top of center column] you
will note that there are 4 categories I cannot establish links for [in
black]. Everything everywhere else works well & all the other pages link up
I'm at a loss as to what to do-----------------
I purchased & installed MS Office Professional in August, 2005.
Even though there are 10 bookmarks on page "B", when I go to page "A" to set
up the hyperlinks, only 5 hyperlinks appear. This limitation does not appear
when I want to create hyperlinks [with bookmarks] from page "A" to any other
Basically I have done the following in the following order [& variations
thereof] to no avail. Remove all bookmarks from page B. Save page B. Close
page B. Shut down computer. Restart. Recreate bookmarks on page B. Save &
publish page B. Go to page A to check to see if 5 bookmark limit has
disappeared & all bookmarks visible [which hasn't happened yet]. I have tried
all the suggestions posted on how do deal with non-functioning hyperlinks &
hyperlink errors that were applicable -- to no avail.
All 10 bookmarks continue to appear in page B when I click on bookmark. They
also all work on page B as they connect to hyperlinks [a page directory] at
the top on page B.
Even if they aren't hyperlinked to the list at the top of the page, the
maximum number that show up in the list on page A is 5 when I use the Edit
Hyperlink or Insert Hyperlink popup when I'm working on page A.
My website is www.budoshin.com . If you click on the logo of the page that
appears, it will take you to my "home" page [page A]. You can click on
various hyperlinks to go directly to different pages or page sections on my
website. If you go to the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Store [top of center column] you
will note that there are 4 categories I cannot establish links for [in
black]. Everything everywhere else works well & all the other pages link up
I'm at a loss as to what to do-----------------
I purchased & installed MS Office Professional in August, 2005.